Safety Protocol for Prevention of Respiratory Viruses

Updated March 1, 2024

COVID-19, cold, influenza (flu), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are highly transmissible. Wearing a well-fitting face mask over your nose and mouth while in the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Oakland is recommended. It is also recommended to test for COVID-19 before coming to an event that will be in an indoor hall. We encourage you to be personally responsible for your own health and well-being at all times.

Whenever you come to the Ashram, please do the following:

  • Use hand sanitizer before you sign in at the Welcome Desk.

  • Maintain some physical distance from others whenever possible,

Please stay home:

  • if you are sick, have a cough, sore throat, headache, or runny nose not related to allergies.

Please follow additional CDC and CDPH Guidelines: