Seva Opportunities
The Practice of Seva
Seva, or selfless service is work offered to God and the Guru, performed as a pure offering, without attachment to the results of one’s actions and without desire for personal gain.
As we work with others in a spiritual environment, we have a practical means to put the Siddha Yoga teachings into action. During the practice of seva, we perform familiar activities—whether cooking, cleaning, teaching, or working at the computer —with a focus on the Self, with awareness. Siddha Yoga students offer seva at Siddha Yoga retreats, meditation centers, and ashrams, creating a tangible offering of love in action.
We encourage you to learn more about the practice of seva.
In the Bookstore:
Seva - Selfless Service - A Pond of Nectar: CD. A talk by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
Enthusiasm chapter 12, Seva Creates a Pond of Nectar by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
Seva Opportunities at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Oakland include:
Administrative assistance for a variety of areas
Amrit Café: serving food and drinks, organizing and cleaning of Amrit
Bakery: preparing and baking of pastries
Dish Room: setting up, washing and loading dishwasher and putting away clean dishes and utensils
Gardening: caring for the gardens, plants and trees around the Ashram
Housekeeping: caring for the internal physical environment of the Ashram
Information Technology: data entry, desktop support, network support
Hall: welcoming, assisting with seating
Kitchen: preparing and cooking meals; organization and maintenance of the kitchen space
Maintenance: upkeep of the physical Ashram environment
Music: chanting with lead group or playing musical instruments
Welcome Desk: welcoming visitors, answering phone and in person inquiries
Offering Seva as a Visiting Sevite
If you are interested in offering seva as a visiting sevite, please email